Transparency and Reporting

NextEnergy Capital’s mission is to create a more sustainable future by leading the transition to clean energy. Guided by our Sustainable Investment Policy, environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors are integrated throughout our funds investment and operational processes.


NextEnergy Capital recognises the importance of increasing transparency in the field of sustainable investment opportunities, as a mechanism for facilitating the growth of sustainable investment and the pursuit of a transition to clean energy.  Moreover, the EU regulation on sustainability related disclosures for the financial services sector (SFDR) seeks to ensure increased transparency on the integration of ESG related risks in the investment decision-making of financial market participants, through disclosures. Full details on how we integrate ESG issues into our investment decision-making and ownership processes can be found in our Sustainable Investment Policy and ESG Disclosures Document.


In addition NextEnergy Capital publishes and commissions a number of reports to assess its integration of ESG factors throughout its activities.

Group level reporting

NEC level reporting

Fund level reporting