NextEnergy Group Meets His Majesty King Charles III

London, July 17th, 2024 – Our Founding Partner and CEO, Michael Bonte-Friedheim, was honoured to discuss NextEnergy Group’s initiatives with King Charles III during His Majesty’s visit to Guernsey where he met a delegation of sustainable finance experts.

Michael detailed the company’s provision of solar energy in the UK and emphasized Guernsey’s pivotal role as a leader in sustainable finance.

The discussion with His Majesty underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing pressing environmental challenges while also highlighting the financial benefits of sustainable practices. During the meeting, Michael highlighted NextEnergy Group’s recent advancements in renewable energy and the company’s achievements in sustainable practices. As a strong supporter of the Terra Carta under the Sustainable Markets Initiative, NextEnergy Group focuses on integrating ESG principles with our sustainability efforts to drive superior financial returns.

Sustainable finance is central to our mission, encompassing a range of financial practices that consider ESG criteria to generate long-term competitive returns and positive impact. This approach not only enhances our investment portfolios but also contributes to global environmental goals.

To learn more about the event, please visit: guernseyfinance